Saturday, November 29, 2014

what is the difference between home and house?

what is the difference between home and house?

He was in my home.
He was in my house.
asked May 26 '12 at 08:16  hadi New member

4 answers 

As others have already said, a home isn't necessarily a house. A house may not feel like home. The term home is more emotional than a description of real estate. For instance, when we travel in our RV and we're touring or shopping, we'll say "I'm ready to go home" meaning the campground where our RV is parked, not our permanent residence, because the camper is our home-away-from-home.

Having said that, the lines between house and home are blurred, thanks to terms like "home ownership," which really means you hold the deed and/or mortgage for a house or condominium, regardless of your emotional ties to the place.

I wouldn't worry too much about distinguishing between the two because modern usage is making the terms interchangeable.
link commentanswered May 26 '12 at 20:41  cherylnorman New member

home is the place where someone lives.  A house is one type of place.  A person might also live in an apartment, a tipi, a hut, or on a boat.  If you live in a house, they can be used interchangeably.

Home is also used figuratively.  They say home is where the heart is.  Though you might live in a house, using home adds some emotional attachment to the place.
link commentanswered May 26 '12 at 08:38  Patty T Grammarly Fellow

If one is interested, this can be taken further than Patty did. A home is where someone dwells.  A house is something one builds. See the essay "Building, Dwelling, Thinking" by the German philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), which looks into the relation between dwelling and building and asks what it means to dwell. 
link commentanswered May 26 '12 at 13:25  Jeff Pribyl Grammarly Fellow

House, dwelling, residence, home  are terms applied to a place to live in.
Dwelling  is now chiefly poetic, or used in legal or technical contexts, as in a lease or in the phrase multiple dwelling.
Residence  is characteristic of formal usage and often implies size and elegance of structure and surroundings: the private residence of the king.
These two terms and house  have always had reference to the structure to be lived in.
Home has recently taken on this meaning and become practically equivalent to house,  the new meaning tending to crowd out the older connotations of family ties and domestic comfort.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

effectie communication with people every day

  • We communicate with people every day, but sometimes we do not adjust our communication style to the audience or situation. This can lead to confusion, hurt feelings, or misunderstandings. Learn how to adapt the way you communicate to different situations by considering the many factors that influence the effectiveness of your communication. 1
    Think about the situation or occasion. The context of your communication makes a difference both in the way you engage with others and in the way they interpret your communication.
    • Remember that time and place matter. A joke that would be a hit with your friends may not be appropriate at the office. Similarly, pouring your heart out to a dear friend is different from doing so with a young child.
    • Identify the level of formality. Formal occasions like ceremonies and business presentations require more formal language and dress. Informal occasions like hanging out with your family or friends allow you to be more relaxed and casual.                    2                         2
  • Identify your goal. Know the purpose of your interaction so you can adapt your communication effectively. For example, if you want to build a friendship with a colleague, you may invite them out for a cup of coffee or ask them to join you for lunch. But if you want to keep your work and personal lives separate, you will probably keep your communication polite and professional.
  • Adapt the Way You Communicate to Different Situations Step 3.jpg
    Know your audience. To adapt your communication effectively, you need to understand who you are talking with. See things from their view and tailor your communication to them as much as possible.
    • Recognize your relationship with the audience. With a good friend, you will probably be able to be more upfront and blunt. With a supervisor, you will want to speak with respect. With a cashier, you may want to be friendly, but conservative.
    • Acknowledge differences in personality. For example, extroverts like to communicate face-to-face, over the phone, and in large groups. They tend to think aloud. Introverts prefer to talk through emails, text messages, and in one-on-one conversations. They often need time to reflect before answering questions.
    • Conduct an audience analysis. Look at the age span, gender, education level, values, cultures, family structures, and background experiences of those in your audience. This is especially helpful when giving speeches to unfamiliar audiences.
  • Adapt the Way You Communicate to Different Situations Step 4.jpg
    Consider the method of your communication. Each method of communication has advantages and disadvantages. If you are able to choose, pick the method that would be most effective for your audience. Otherwise, work within its existing structure.
    • During meetings, participate by sharing ideas, but also take the time to listen. Do not monopolize the discussion.
    • When giving a speech, realize that you are the only one talking. Anticipate questions your audience may have and try to address those in your communication.
    • When engaging in social media, you can be more relaxed. Communication often occurs in one- or two-sentence segments. Be casual, but concise.
    • Email and text messaging require a conscious choice of words. Be direct. Express tone through your words or the use of emoticons (smiley faces).
  • Adapt the Way You Communicate to Different Situations Step 5.jpg
    Watch your words. Be intentional with the language you use. Words can help you quickly connect with someone, but they may also offend them.
    • Choose words based on the age, education, and literacy level of the person(s) you are talking with. Use words they understand and can connect with.
    • Use technical words only if you are communicating with people who know what they mean. If you must use jargon, take the time to explain what it means.
  • Adapt the Way You Communicate to Different Situations Step 6.jpg
    Be intentional with your body language. Body language can be interpreted differently in different situations. Adapt your nonverbal communication to the situation at hand.
    • Eye contact is generally a good way to connect with the person you are talking with. However, if it is an extremely sensitive situation, sitting side-by-side with someone can remove the pressure of having to look someone in the eyes and thus make the other person more comfortable.
    • Personal space varies both by culture, by individual, and by relationship. With your significant other, you may sit close enough that your legs or shoulders are touching. However, when you sit near a supervisor or complete stranger, you want to leave some distance between you.
  • Adapt the Way You Communicate to Different Situations Step 7.jpg
    Pay attention to the other person's feedback. Some people may offer verbal feedback by asking questions. You can also watch their nonverbal communication -- crossing their arms, looking away, yawning, nodding -- to see how they are responding to what you are saying.
    • If they seem nervous, make sure you are in a place where they feel comfortable. Engage them in small talk to help them calm down. Ask questions to get to know them better.
    • If they seem confused, explain it again in different words. Ask them what part confuses them. Find visuals, metaphors, or illustrations to demonstrate your point clearly.
    • If they seem upset, listen to them and try to understand why. Wait to voice your own thoughts or attempt to persuade them differently.
  • Tips

    • Adapt to the other person. Communication needs to be audience-centered, meaning you adjust to their communication preferences. For example, if you are an introvert and prefer sending an email, but you are talking with an extrovert who prefers talking face-to-face, you need to let go of your own preferences and meet with them.
    • Write down your audience-centered communication plan when preparing for public speeches. These will help you think through areas that will affect the way your message is received.

    Thursday, July 31, 2014


    It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.
    Tony Robbins


    Everyone here has the sense that right now is one of those moments when we are influencing the future.
    Steve Jobs


    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
    Thomas A. Edison

    Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.
    Robert H. Schuller

    Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.

    Step by step and the thing is done.

    Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.
    Norman Vincent Peale

    Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
    Arthur Ashe

    If you can dream it, you can do it.
    Walt Disney

    The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.

    Expect, Eat
    You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
    Albert Einstein

    In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.
    Nikos Kazantzakis

    Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.
    Sam Levenson

    Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.
    Henry David Thoreau


    The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

    Mark Twain

    Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay.
    Simone de Beauvoir


    Believe you can and you're halfway there.

    What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson


    With self-discipline most anything is possible.

    Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.

    We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone.
    As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.

    Change your thoughts and you change your world.

    Garlic stimulates the production of infection-fighting white cells and boosts the efficiency of antibody production in the body. Eat it raw (try hummus or guacamole) for best results.
    2 Onions contain a powerful natural chemical called quercetin which strengthens the body’s defences and may even help destroy food poisoning bacteria E.coli and salmonella.
    Celebrated for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, studies show honey can help with wound healing and fight infection. Choose buckwheat honey or Manuka for maximum benefits.
    Research shows that eating almonds can help the body fight off viral infections, including the common cold and flu. According to experts, the skin of the almond contains chemicals which help white blood cells to detect viruses and so prevent them from spreading in the body.

    Wednesday, June 25, 2014


    List of Hard to Spell Words

    Robert Heckendorn's List of Hard to Spell Words

    Here is my list of almost 1300 hard to spell words. Here are some important points about this list:
    • Sometimes a word is entered as a mispelling of a particular meaning such as "dam".
    • These spellings are for American English and not British English or any other language. I may occasionally treat a British spelling as a misspelling of American English. This is not meant as an insult to the English any more that my saying that driving on the left side of the road is wrong in the US. You will get arrested for it here. I drive on the left when I am in England and on the right in the U.S. I adapt to local custom.
    • The same word may be misspelled more than one way. People have different ways to misspell and I try to include a variety.
    I accept new entries and corrections. The words come in pairs the first word is a misspelling and the second wordis the correct spelling. Here is a list of just the correct spellings (which is not always up to date). Here is a list of just the incorrect spellings (which is not always up to date). Have fun!

    Austrailia Australia 
    Checkoslovakia Czechoslovakia 
    Conneticut Connecticut 
    Febewary February 
    Presbaterian Presbyterian 
    Tootonic Teutonic 
    Tusday Tuesday 
    Wendsday Wednesday 
    abanden abandon 
    abiss abyss 
    abizmal abysmal 
    abriviate abbreviate 
    abscound abscond 
    absorbant absorbent 
    absorbtion absorption 
    abstanence abstinence 
    abundence abundance 
    abundent abundant 
    acatemy academy 
    acceptence acceptance 
    acceptible acceptable 
    acceptibly acceptably 
    accessable accessible 
    accidently accidentally 
    accomidate accommodate 
    accross across 
    accually actually 
    acheeve achieve 
    acknowledgement acknowledgment 
    acoostic acoustic 
    acordian accordion 
    acqueus aqueous 
    acquiess acquiesce 
    acrost across 
    acryllic acrylic 
    acter actor 
    adament adamant 
    adaquit adequate 
    adew adieu 
    adheasive adhesive 
    adjacancy adjacency 
    adjasant adjacent 
    adjatate agitate 
    adjative adjective 
    adolecent adolescent 
    adventagous advantageous 
    advesary adversary 
    afficianado aficionado 
    afterwords afterwards 
    aggenst against 
    aggrivate aggravate 
    agressive aggressive 
    ahmond almond 
    air heir (air is a misspelling when wanting heir) 
    airloom heirloom 
    airator aerator 
    airial aerial 
    ajative adjective 
    ajustment adjustment 
    ake ache 
    alcemy alchemy 
    alegance allegiance 
    algee algae 
    aline align 
    alledge allege 
    allegence allegiance 
    allowence allowance 
    allready already 
    allright all right 
    amalgum amalgam 
    amatuer amateur 
    amatur amateur 
    ambadexterous ambidextrous 
    amealearate ameliorate 
    ameba amoeba 
    ampatheater amphitheater 
    analize analyze 
    analyist analyst 
    analyse analyze 
    anarkistic anarchistic 
    ancestoral ancestral 
    ancilliary ancillary 
    aneeling annealing 
    angshus anxious 
    angziety anxiety 
    anialate annihilate 
    anjanew ingenue 
    annaversery anniversary 
    annonomus anonymous 
    annoyence annoyance 
    anomolous anomalous 
    anomoly anomaly 
    anoyed annoyed 
    anphibian amphibian 
    ansamble ensemble 
    ansester ancestor 
    antecedant antecedent 
    anticdote anecdote 
    antripanewer entrepreneur 
    anull annul 
    anurism aneurysm 
    anwee ennui 
    aparantly apparently 
    aparatus apparatus 
    apartide apartheid 
    appature aperture 
    apauled appalled 
    apihelion aphelion 
    aplikay appliqué 
    apollstree upholstery 
    apologise apologize 
    apologised apologized 
    apostrafy apostrophe 
    appart apart 
    appathetic apathetic 
    appology apology 
    apresheation appreciation 
    aqueus aqueous 
    aquiess acquiesce 
    aquit acquit 
    aracnid arachnid 
    archeology archaeology 
    ardvark aardvark 
    areal aerial 
    arguement argument 
    arithmatic arithmetic 
    armagedon armageddon 
    armistis armistice 
    armorment armament 
    aroara aurora 
    arro arrow 
    artic arctic 
    aspestus asbestos 
    assemalate assimilate 
    assfalt asphalt 
    assimtote asymptote 
    assma asthma 
    assymetric asymmetric 
    astrix asterisk 
    astroid asteroid 
    asumtotic asymptotic 
    ate eight 
    aterny attorney 
    austair austere 
    austeer austere 
    autotorium auditorium 
    autum autumn 
    auxilary auxiliary 
    auxillary auxiliary 
    avacado avocado 
    azma asthma 
    bachler bachelor 
    backaloriette baccalaureate 
    badmitten badminton 
    balaster baluster 
    balona bologna 
    bangquit banquet 
    bankrupcy bankruptcy 
    bannet bayonet 
    baray beret 
    bargin bargain 
    baroke baroque 
    batchleur bachelor 
    bayge beige 
    bayliwick bailiwick 
    bazare bazaar 
    bazare bizarre 
    beastiary bestiary 
    beauquet bouquet 
    beauracratic bureaucratic 
    becuz because 
    behavoral behavioral 
    behaviour behavior 
    behavour behavior 
    beleave believe 
    belye belie 
    benifit benefit 
    benine benign 
    bilt built 
    biscut biscuit 
    bivouacing bivouacking 
    bivwack bivouac 
    biyou bayou 
    bizness business 
    blosum blossom 
    boganveelia bougainvillea 
    boodist Buddhist 
    booe buoy 
    boofay buffet 
    boorjwazee bourgeoisie 
    booteek boutique 
    boquet bouquet 
    borgwasy bourgeoisie 
    boundry boundary 
    bouy buoy 
    boyant buoyant 
    boycot boycott 
    breef brief 
    brocher brochure 
    brocolee broccoli 
    broge brogue 
    brooz bruise 
    bruse bruise 
    brusk brusque 
    bullevard boulevard 
    bullyan bouillon 
    burbon bourbon 
    burjun burgeon 
    buro bureau 
    burzwah bourgeois 
    busness business 
    butiful beautiful 
    byast biased 
    bycicle bicycle 
    cabnet cabinet 
    cachup catchup 
    cacoon cocoon 
    caese cease 
    caf calf 
    cafay cafe 
    cafine caffeine 
    caldesack cul-de-sac 
    calfes calves 
    calfs calves 
    calliflower cauliflower 
    callis callus 
    camelion chameleon 
    camoflage camouflage 
    campain campaign 
    canew canoe 
    canidate candidate 
    cantalope cantaloupe 
    canye canaille 
    capter captor 
    captian captain 
    captin captain 
    caraboo caribou 
    caraff carafe 
    carcus carcass 
    carosel carousel 
    carrage carriage 
    carrear career 
    cartledge cartilage 
    casarole casserole 
    cassim chasm 
    cataclism cataclysm 
    catagory category 
    catapiller caterpillar 
    catastrofy catastrophe 
    catchip ketchup 
    cavren cavern 
    ceaser caesar 
    cellabration celebration 
    cemetary cemetery 
    centenal sentinel 
    cercomstance circumstance 
    champain champagne 
    chandeleer chandelier 
    charizma charisma 
    chartroose chartreuse 
    chassy chassis 
    chawk chalk 
    cheatta cheetah 
    cheeta cheetah 
    chello cello 
    chimmeny chimney 
    chisle chisel 
    chizzel chisel 
    chocolot chocolate 
    ciotee coyote 
    circit circuit 
    ciriculum curriculum 
    clairvoiant clairvoyant 
    claravoyant clairvoyant 
    clearstory clerestory 
    cleeshay cliché 
    cloisonay cloisonné 
    coaless coalesce 
    coalessense coalescence 
    coersion coercion 
    cogniscent cognizant 
    cohabitating cohabiting 
    cokes coax 
    colaboration collaboration 
    coleeg colleague 
    colera cholera 
    colleage colleague 
    collegate collegiate 
    collone cologne 
    colum column 
    come comb 
    comerant cormorant 
    comission commission 
    commision commission 
    committment commitment 
    communikay communiqué 
    compeat compete 
    competative competitive 
    complextion complexion 
    concatinate concatenate 
    conceet conceit 
    conceous conscious 
    conchus conscious 
    concider consider 
    concur conquer 
    condem condemn 
    conosuer connoisseur 
    conotation connotation 
    conseat conceit 
    consevible conceivable 
    consistant consistent 
    contagen contagion 
    continuem continuum 
    contracter contractor 
    convense convince 
    conyak cognac 
    coo coup 
    cooger cougar 
    cookoo cuckoo 
    coolot culottes 
    coordanate coordinate 
    corale chorale 
    cordoroy corduroy 
    coregated corrugated 
    correllate correlate 
    correograph choreograph 
    corse course 
    corus chorus 
    counterfit counterfeit 
    councel council 
    counciler councilor 
    counsil counsel 
    cramugin curmudgeon 
    cratashous cretaceous 
    creasoat creosote 
    creater creator 
    cresh creche 
    criteak critique 
    critisize criticize 
    croshet crochet 
    croch crotch 
    crockadile crocodile 
    cronological chronological 
    crowkay croquet 
    crowshay crochet 
    crucifiction crucifixion 
    cruze cruise 
    cubburd cupboard 
    cummulative cumulative 
    cumpus compass 
    cuple couple 
    curage courage 
    curiocity curiosity 
    curios curious 
    curiousity curiosity 
    curnel colonel 
    curtesy courtesy 
    curteus courteous 
    curvasious curvaceous 
    cushin cushion 
    cusine cuisine 
    dabree debris 
    dabue debut 
    dackery daiquiri 
    dalmation dalmatian 
    dam damn 
    daspora diaspora 
    daybue debut 
    deciple disciple 
    decission decision 
    deepo depot 
    deezil diesel 
    defineable definable 
    defishant deficient 
    delimeter delimiter 
    delimma dilemma 
    dependancy dependency 
    derageable dirigible 
    deriair derriere 
    derth dearth 
    descize disguise 
    desided decided 
    desireable desirable 
    desision decision 
    deskys disguise 
    desolve dissolve 
    dessication desiccation 
    determin determine 
    detur detour 
    deturance deterrence 
    develope develop 
    developement development 
    devestating devastating 
    dezert dessert 
    diagnol diagonal 
    dialate dilate 
    diarea diarrhea 
    dicipline discipline 
    dicision decision 
    dicotomy dichotomy 
    dieing dying 
    diferent different 
    differant different 
    dimand diamond 
    dioreha diarrhea 
    diptheria diphtheria 
    dipthong diphthong 
    disapait dissipate 
    disapline discipline 
    disapointed disappointed 
    discimenation dissemination 
    discription description 
    discusting disgusting 
    disection dissection 
    disertation dissertation 
    divet divot 
    dockson dachshund 
    docsund dachshund 
    donejun dungeon 
    doorjam doorjamb 
    dorment dormant 
    doublely doubly 
    dout doubt 
    droping dropping 
    drowt drought 
    duble double 
    dum dumb 
    eary eerie 
    eazy easy 
    eczecutive executive 
    edeycat etiquette 
    editting editing 
    eeger eager 
    eejus aegis 
    elagant elegant 
    elamentry elementary 
    electorial electoral 
    embalance imbalance 
    embaress embarrass 
    embeded embedded 
    emense immense 
    empass impasse 
    empressed impressed 
    encompus encompass 
    endever endeavor 
    endur endure 
    enormass enormous 
    entent intent 
    enterance entrance 
    enthuseastic enthusiastic 
    entrapeneur entrepreneur 
    enuf enough 
    enviroment environment 
    envoke invoke 
    equivalant equivalent 
    esthetic aesthetic 
    estuwarry estuary 
    etamology etymology 
    evesdrop eavesdrop 
    exagerate exaggerate 
    examin examine 
    excelent excellent 
    excell excel 
    excitment excitement 
    exhilerate exhilarate 
    exilerate exhilarate 
    existance existence 
    expatriot expatriate 
    explination explanation 
    exstacy ecstasy 
    exstream extreme 
    extatic ecstatic 
    extention extension 
    extrodinary extraordinary 
    exurpt excerpt 
    ezdrop eavesdrop 
    fairoh pharaoh 
    falt fault 
    fane feign 
    farmasudical pharmaceutical 
    farse farce 
    faseeshus facetious 
    fasen fasten 
    fasend fastened 
    fashon fashion 
    fasodd facade 
    fassinate fascinate 
    fatig fatigue 
    faymus famous 
    feasability feasibility 
    feasable feasible 
    febuary february 
    feonsay fiancée 
    fertil fertile 
    fewd feud 
    fewg fugue 
    fewsha fuchsia 
    fezent pheasant 
    ficks fix 
    fillay fillet 
    fillement filament 
    filo phyllo 
    finess finesse 
    finness finesse 
    firey fiery 
    fizeek physique 
    flem phlegm 
    flexable flexible 
    floatation flotation 
    floresent fluorescent 
    floride fluoride 
    flud flood 
    focusses focuses 
    fonetic phonetic 
    forbatum verbatim 
    forceably forcibly 
    forfit forfeit 
    forhead forehead 
    forin foreign 
    forman foreman 
    fourty forty 
    frew-frew frou-frou 
    fullfill fulfill 
    funrel funeral 
    fusha fuchsia 
    futal futile 
    gage gauge 
    gagit gadget 
    gard guard 
    garentee guarantee 
    garilla guerrilla 
    gastly ghastly 
    gayity gaiety 
    gaysha geisha 
    geeotine guillotine 
    geneology genealogy 
    generaly generally 
    genuin genuine 
    geraff giraffe 
    gerilla guerrilla 
    gess guess 
    getoe ghetto 
    gilotine guillotine 
    gilty guilty 
    ginee guinea 
    gingam gingham 
    giser geyser 
    gitar guitar 
    glyserin glycerin 
    gool ghoul 
    gord gourd 
    gormay gourmet 
    gost ghost 
    gotee goatee 
    goverment government 
    govoner governor 
    grainery granary 
    grammer grammar 
    grandeeos grandiose 
    granjure grandeur 
    greatful grateful 
    groosome gruesome 
    groosum gruesome 
    groshury grocery 
    groth growth 
    growtesk grotesque 
    guage gauge 
    gubnatorial gubernatorial 
    guyzer geyser 
    gwava guava 
    gymnist gymnast 
    hagas haggis 
    hallaluja hallelujah 
    hallaluya hallelujah 
    hankerchif handkerchief 
    hansome handsome 
    harrass harass 
    harth hearth 
    hauty haughty 
    haynus heinous 
    hefer heifer 
    hemorage hemorrhage 
    henderence hindrance 
    hevy heavy 
    hieght height 
    hiena hyena 
    hietus hiatus 
    him hymn 
    hirearcy hierarchy 
    hist heist 
    histry history 
    hoeks hoax 
    hollowcost holocaust 
    homogenity homogeneity 
    hootsba chutzpah 
    horrable horrible 
    huristic heuristic 
    hurse hearse 
    hydrolics hydraulics 
    hygene hygiene 
    hygenic hygienic 
    hyperboly hyperbole 
    icesickle icicle 
    ideosincracy idiosyncrasy 
    iland island 
    ileagle illegal 
    ilegle illegal 
    illigitament illegitimate 
    illistrate illustrate 
    imbaress embarrass 
    imbrase embrace 
    imediately immediately 
    imfamus infamous 
    imigrate immigrate 
    immediatly immediately 
    immenantly eminently 
    impeed impede 
    impune impugn 
    inbankment embankment 
    inbrase embrace 
    inconsistant inconsistent 
    indescriminent indiscriminate 
    indever endeavor 
    indite indict (the first is also a ligit word)
    individule individual 
    indure endure 
    inferrable inferable 
    infintesimal infinitesimal 
    inflamation inflammation 
    inheratance inheritance 
    innoculate inoculate 
    innosense innocence 
    insepsion inception 
    instanciation instantiation 
    instanseation instantiation 
    insturment instrument 
    insue ensue 
    inteligable intelligible 
    inteligance intelligence 
    intercollegate intercollegiate 
    interfear interfere 
    interferance interference 
    interrum interim 
    interupt interrupt 
    inticement enticement 
    intreeg intrigue 
    intrest interest 
    intuative intuitive 
    inturpratasion interpretation 
    inturprett interpret 
    invokation invocation 
    isle aisle 
    ismas isthmus 
    jagid jagged 
    jagwar jaguar 
    jalusey jalousie 
    jelous jealous 
    jelusey jealousy 
    jepordize jeopardize 
    jewl jewel 
    jodpers jodhpurs 
    jossle jostle 
    journy journey 
    judgement judgment 
    jurnal journal 
    jurny journey 
    kackie khaki 
    kalidescope kaleidoscope 
    karisma charisma 
    keesh quiche 
    keyosk kiosk 
    kibutz kibbutz 
    kighbosh kibosh 
    kimerra chimera 
    kindergarden kindergarten 
    kiyack kayak 
    knockous noxious 
    knowlegable knowledgeable 
    knowlege knowledge 
    kookoo cuckoo 
    koolot culottes 
    kresh crèche 
    kronicle chronicle 
    kwuzine cuisine 
    kyebosh kibosh 
    lable label 
    labratory laboratory 
    labrynth labyrinth 
    lackrimose lachrymose 
    lacker lacquer 
    laf laugh 
    lama llama 
    lambast lambaste 
    langerie lingerie 
    langerray lingerie 
    larve larvae 
    larvy larvae 
    lasonya lasagna 
    layed laid 
    leaneant lenient 
    leasure leisure 
    leeg league 
    leegun legion 
    leesure leisure 
    legionair legionnaire 
    lemosine limousine 
    lepard leopard 
    lepracan leprechaun 
    leprachan leprechaun 
    leutenant lieutenant 
    lew lieu 
    lewchemia leukemia 
    lewow luau 
    lewtenant lieutenant 
    liason liaison 
    licker liquor 
    lightening lightning 
    ligitamassy legitimacy 
    ligitamate legitimate 
    likeable likable 
    likelyhood likelihood 
    limosine limousine 
    lite light 
    liturature literature 
    loath loathe 
    lood lewd 
    lozonya lasagna 
    lugage luggage 
    lushis luscious 
    macack macaque 
    macason moccasin 
    machettie machete 
    mailstrum maelstrom 
    maintenence maintenance 
    maline malign 
    malless malice 
    mamento memento 
    mamuth mammoth 
    manaise mayonnaise 
    manaze mayonnaise 
    manetain maintain 
    manikin mannequin 
    mantain maintain 
    manuver maneuver 
    markey marquee 
    marrage marriage 
    marshall marshal 
    marshmellow marshmallow 
    marter martyr 
    masakist masochist 
    mashetty machete 
    masia messiah 
    masicer massacre 
    maskeraid masquerade 
    massectomy mastectomy 
    massewer masseur 
    massoose masseuse 
    matinay matinee 
    mawsoleum mausoleum 
    mayonase mayonnaise 
    meerly merely 
    merecat meerkat 
    mecanical mechanical 
    meddo meadow 
    medifor metaphor 
    medioker mediocre 
    medow meadow 
    melineum millennium 
    memmick mimic 
    memwars memoirs 
    mension mention 
    menus menace 
    merang meringue 
    meskeeto mosquito 
    mesoneen mezzanine 
    mesure measure 
    metalic metallic 
    mezmorize mesmerize 
    midevil medieval 
    milicous malicious 
    milyew milieu 
    miniscule minuscule 
    miniture miniature 
    mischevus mischievous 
    mischieveous mischievous 
    miselaneous miscellaneous 
    mispell misspell 
    mispelled misspelled 
    misquito mosquito 
    missle missile 
    missletow mistletoe 
    missunderstood misunderstood 
    misteek mystique 
    mistery mystery 
    mistic mystic 
    monthes months 
    morgage mortgage 
    morg morgue 
    morter mortar 
    moteef motif 
    murr myrrh 
    mussil muscle 
    mustash mustache 
    mystrow maestro 
    narled gnarled 
    nastershum nasturtium 
    nawseous nauseous 
    nawshus nauseous 
    naybor neighbor 
    neccessary necessary 
    necessarally necessarily 
    neether neither 
    neral neural 
    nerative narrative 
    nervana nirvana 
    nestolgia nostalgia 
    neumonic mnemonic 
    newance nuance 
    newmatic pneumatic 
    newmonia pneumonia 
    newsans nuisance 
    niether neither 
    nieve naive 
    nieveatay naivete 
    nife knife 
    nimph nymph 
    ninty ninety 
    nitch niche 
    nite night 
    nome gnome 
    noteable notable 
    noticable noticeable 
    notoreous notorious 
    nurishment nourishment 
    nusance nuisance 
    nutral neutral 
    nutrieous nutritious 
    obation ovation 
    obay obey 
    obleek oblique 
    oblisk obelisk 
    ocapella a cappella 
    occassion occasion 
    occation occasion 
    occured occurred 
    occurrance occurrence 
    occurence occurrence 
    occuring occurring 
    ocilate oscillate 
    octive octave 
    odessy odyssey 
    offen often 
    offically officially 
    offisianado aficionado 
    oger ogre 
    omage homage 
    omaj homage 
    omlet omelet 
    omnishints omniscience 
    onomonopea onomatopoeia 
    opayk opaque 
    opinyon opinion 
    oportunity opportunity 
    orangatang orangutan 
    orcestrate orchestrate 
    orderves hors d'oeuvre 
    oregeno oregano 
    oricle oracle 
    orkid orchid 
    oscilliscope oscilloscope 
    ostridge ostrich 
    osterage ostrich 
    overwelm overwhelm 
    oxzillary auxiliary 
    pajent pageant 
    paradime paradigm 
    paradym paradigm 
    parafanalia paraphernalia 
    paralell parallel 
    parallell parallel 
    parameter perimeter 
    parana piranha 
    paranoya paranoia 
    paraphanalia paraphernalia 
    parfay parfait 
    paria pariah 
    parkay parquet 
    parlament parliament 
    parralell parallel 
    parrallell parallel 
    parshally partially 
    paschurize pasteurize 
    pastery pastry 
    peanuckle pinochle 
    pease peace 
    pedistal pedestal 
    peedmont piedmont 
    peepel people 
    peerowet pirouette 
    penatentury penitentiary 
    pengwen penguin 
    penwar peignoir 
    perfurd preferred 
    perliferate proliferate 
    perogative prerogative 
    perseed precede 
    perserve preserve 
    persew pursue 
    persistance persistence 
    persistant persistent 
    personel personnel 
    perticipate participate 
    pertinate pertinent 
    perview purview 
    pewder pewter 
    pharmasist pharmacist 
    pharmasudical pharmaceutical 
    pharoh pharaoh 
    philisophical philosophical 
    phlem phlegm 
    physision physician 
    physisist physicist 
    picknick picnic 
    pickyune picayune 
    picnicing picnicking 
    picturesk picturesque 
    pijun pigeon 
    pilgramidge pilgrimage 
    pilgramig pilgrimage 
    pilon pylon 
    pirric Pyrrhic 
    plack plaque 
    plad plaid 
    plagerism plagiarism 
    plattoe plateau 
    playge plague 
    playgerise plagiarize 
    playright playwright 
    playwrite playwright 
    plyotropy pleiotropy 
    pneumonic mnemonic 
    pocession possession 
    pointseta poinsettia 
    poinyent poignant 
    politicing politicking 
    pollenate pollinate 
    polltry poultry 
    poltry poultry 
    pompay pompeii 
    poperee potpourri 
    poriferal peripheral 
    porsalin porcelain 
    portrail portrayal 
    posistion position 
    pospone postpone 
    postion position 
    postuminus posthumous 
    postumus posthumous 
    practicianer practitioner 
    prayry prairie 
    preceed precede 
    precurser precursor 
    preficiency proficiency 
    preficient proficient 
    preform perform 
    prehaps perhaps 
    prejudgudice prejudice 
    preperation preparation 
    presense presence 
    preshus precious 
    prestigous prestigious 
    primative primitive 
    primevil primeval 
    priviledge privilege 
    procede proceed 
    prohibative prohibitive 
    prolicks prolix 
    pronounciation pronunciation 
    propriatery proprietary 
    proprieter proprietor 
    proteen protein 
    protocall protocol 
    psydonym pseudonym 
    pumkin pumpkin 
    pundent pundit 
    purtain pertain 
    quadroople quadruple 
    quafeur coiffure 
    quanity quantity 
    que queue 
    questionaire questionnaire 
    questionare questionnaire 
    quire choir 
    quizs quizzes 
    quotion quotient 
    rabit rabbit 
    racoon raccoon 
    radeus radius 
    randayvoo rendezvous 
    rapsady rhapsody 
    rasberry raspberry 
    reccommend recommend 
    receet receipt 
    receptical receptacle 
    recieve receive 
    reconasence reconnaissance 
    recroot recruit 
    recund reckoned 
    recurrance recurrence 
    rediculous ridiculous 
    reduceable reducible 
    refered referred 
    reguardless regardless 
    rehersal rehearsal 
    reknown renown 
    relavant relevant 
    releaf relief 
    relevence relevance 
    relevent relevant 
    religeon religion 
    relm realm 
    remane remain 
    remeniss reminisce 
    reminisent reminiscent 
    renig renege 
    renisance renaissance 
    renoun renown 
    repatwar repertoire 
    repertwar repertoire 
    repetoire repertoire 
    replentish replenish 
    repore rapport 
    repost riposte 
    requeum requiem 
    resivwar reservoir 
    responsiblity responsibility 
    resposible responsible 
    ressapee recipe 
    restraunt restaurant 
    rether rather 
    retinew retinue 
    retoric rhetoric 
    retorical rhetorical 
    rhinosarus rhinoceros 
    rickoshay ricochet 
    riendeer reindeer 
    rige ridge 
    rimaniss reminisce 
    riminicent reminiscent 
    rinosarus rhinoceros 
    rithm rhythm 
    rittled riddled 
    rondayvoo rendezvous 
    rubarb rhubarb 
    rudimentry rudimentary 
    rumatic rheumatic 
    sabotour saboteur 
    sacarin saccharin 
    sacreligious sacrilegious 
    sacrilegeous sacrilegious 
    sacrin saccharin 
    safty safety 
    sammon salmon 
    samori samurai 
    samwich sandwich 
    sanaty sanity 
    sanwich sandwich 
    saphire sapphire 
    sargent sergeant 
    sattellite satellite 
    savere severe 
    savve salve 
    savy savvy 
    sawtay saute 
    scafolding scaffolding 
    scenaireo scenario 
    scence sense 
    seege siege 
    seez seize 
    seezure seizure 
    segway segue 
    seige siege 
    seina sienna 
    senaireo scenario 
    senarreo scenario 
    sensable sensible 
    sentenal sentinel 
    seperate separate 
    seplicural sepulchral 
    sereous serious 
    sergon surgeon 
    sevaral several 
    sewdonim pseudonym 
    shandeleer chandelier 
    shaneal chenille 
    sharlaton charlatan 
    sharraids charades 
    shatow chateaux 
    shepard shepherd 
    shicane chicane 
    sholder shoulder 
    showfer chauffeur 
    showvinism chauvinism 
    sycology psychology 
    sicinctly succinctly 
    siduction seduction 
    sighrynge syringe 
    sighth scythe 
    siguret cigarette 
    sillybus syllabus 
    silowet silhouette 
    simetric symmetric 
    sinegog synagogue 
    sinnic cynic 
    sirvaylence surveillance 
    sist cyst 
    sive sieve 
    sizemology seismology 
    sizors scissors 
    skitsofrinic schizophrenic 
    skool school 
    skurge scourge 
    slewth sleuth 
    slite sleight 
    slooth sleuth 
    sodder solder 
    sofmore sophomore 
    sofmore sophomore 
    soldger soldier 
    solger soldier 
    solum solemn 
    sooaside suicide 
    soodonim pseudonym 
    sooit suet 
    soop soup 
    sord sword 
    sould should 
    sourbraten sauerbraten 
    sovren sovereign 
    spacial spatial 
    spageti spaghetti 
    spagnum sphagnum 
    specktor specter 
    speshal special 
    spicific specific 
    sporatic sporadic 
    squirel squirrel 
    squirl squirrel 
    stalagtite stalactite 
    stawk stalk 
    staulk stalk 
    stocastic stochastic 
    stran strand 
    stummac stomach 
    subconchus subconscious 
    subtrafuge subterfuge 
    sucess success 
    sucessful successful 
    sucessfully successfully 
    sucome succumb 
    sucsede succeed 
    suffisticated sophisticated 
    summersalt somersault 
    supeena subpoena 
    supercede supersede 
    superceed supersede 
    superfulous superfluous 
    superseeded superseded 
    suppliment supplement 
    supress suppress 
    surbert sherbet 
    suseptable susceptible 
    susinctly succinctly 
    susinkt succinct 
    suspision suspicion 
    sussinct succinct 
    suttle subtle 
    suvenear souvenir 
    sylibol syllable 
    synonomous synonymous 
    sysmograph seismograph 
    tabblow tableau 
    tabbaray taboret 
    tarmigan ptarmigan 
    tarpolin tarpaulin 
    tawk talk 
    techneek technique 
    technition technician 
    tedeous tedious 
    temperary temporary 
    tempurture temperature 
    temtation temptation 
    tendancy tendency 
    teridactyl pterodactyl 
    terific terrific 
    ternament tournament 
    terrable terrible 
    theef thief 
    theery theory 
    therapudic therapeutic 
    therby thereby 
    therem theorem 
    theves thieves 
    thier their 
    thirtyth thirtieth 
    thisle thistle 
    thougth thought 
    threshhold threshold 
    thur their 
    thurough thorough 
    tieth tithe 
    tocksen toxin 
    tomatoe tomato 
    tommorow tomorrow 
    toom tomb 
    tork torque 
    tortilini tortellini 
    tortise tortoise 
    toxen toxin 
    tradgic tragic 
    tragectory trajectory 
    trama trauma 
    transistion transition 
    transmision transmission 
    transsend transcend 
    tressle trestle 
    tresure treasure 
    trew true 
    triathalon triathlon 
    trignametric trigonometric 
    tringket trinket 
    triptick triptych 
    triscadecaphobia triskaidekaphobia 
    troglodite troglodyte 
    trolly trolley 
    trooso trousseau 
    trubador troubadour 
    truely truly 
    truging trudging 
    trys tries 
    tucan toucan 
    tung tongue 
    turain terrain 
    turkoise turquoise 
    twelth twelfth 
    unannomus unanimous 
    unduely unduly 
    unick eunuch 
    unix eunuchs 
    unlabled unlabeled 
    usefull useful 
    usibility usability 
    uv of 
    vacination vaccination 
    vacume vacuum 
    vallay valet 
    varient variant 
    varification verification 
    vawdville vaudeville 
    veamant vehement 
    vegitarion vegetarian 
    veicle vehicle 
    vengence vengeance 
    ventillate ventilate 
    venyet vignette 
    veragated variegated 
    verbage verbiage 
    verbatum verbatim 
    verchew virtue 
    veriasion variation 
    vermen vermin 
    vermillion vermilion 
    vermuth vermouth 
    versital versatile 
    versitle versatile 
    vetinarian veterinarian 
    victum victim 
    vigilanty vigilante 
    vinal vinyl 
    vinigar vinegar 
    vinigarette vinaigrette 
    vinyet vignette 
    viseral visceral 
    visheate vitiate 
    vishus vicious 
    visualisation visualization 
    volentier volunteer 
    voyouristic voyeuristic 
    vunerable vulnerable 
    weerd weird 
    weev weave 
    wensday wednesday 
    weppon weapon 
    wesal weasel 
    whereever wherever 
    wholely wholly 
    wierd weird 
    wildebeast wildebeest 
    wimmen women 
    wisper whisper 
    wissle whistle 
    withdrawl withdrawal 
    wonderous wondrous 
    wonce once 
    woud would 
    wressel wrestle 
    writeable writable 
    wryth writhe 
    yamaka yarmulke 
    yello yellow 
    yoman yeoman 
    yot yacht 
    youforic euphoric 
    youlogy eulogy 
    youthinasia euthanasia 
    yuforic euphoric 
    zar czar 
    zefer zephyr 
    zellot zealot 
    zink zinc 
    zookeenee zucchini 
    zylophone xylophone
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