Monday, May 27, 2024

3 things we need to do Daily

3 things we need to do Daily

first one is

 You need to set meaningful, game-changing goals.

Nothing's going to keep your focus if it's not meaningful, right?

If it's a hundred dollars, it’s still not meaningful.

Most people would say there’s not a whole lot you could do with a hundred bucks...

And I’d agree with them.

But what if the goal was $100K?

That would be meaningful.

It would be game-changing... even life-changing.

And if the payoff is big enough... meaningful enough... and significant enough...

Then you’ll feel more motivated to pursue it.

This is why a lot of people give up on their goals.

Because they're not meaningful. They're not significant. There's no life-changing payoff from
achieving the goal.

So number one, the goal has to be meaningful, significant, and literally life-changing.

Number two, you've got to have daily targets.

Every day I start work with a target in mind.

I use a planner that looks like a notebook. When I open it up, I see two sheets of paper.

I list my goals and targets on the right-hand side of the page.

I write down these big, ridiculous targets...

Like making 10K days consistently...

I might not hit this target in just a couple of months

And that’s okay.

Because I need a daily target.

I need to know what has to happen today so that I can measure in order to stay focused
on my goals tomorrow, next week, and next month.

Handle today first... then worry about tomorrow or next week.

You do it to stay focused.

The same approach works with daily targets too.

Focus on today’s daily target.

Next, the third thing you need to do is be held accountable.

Having an obligation to someone else means I need to publicly tell people, “This is what I'm
up to.”

For example, it's not enough to say I’m not going to eat meat for seven days.

I need somebody to hold me accountable for doing it.

I need somebody to say, “Hey Arianna, this is your obligation and this is your commitment.”

This last step is easy to blow off.

But sticking to it makes a big difference.

- Arianna Anglin

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